CTN Reel
CTN Reel
Added on 19 Apr 2017
Watched 3,337 times

Breakdown from Laura Sullivan:
Shot 1: Audio Clip: Fred Savage from "Little Monsters"
Set modeled by me, images are all my own art work
Rigs (including toy robot) from Animation Mentor
Shot 2: Audio Clip : Vincent Price, from "Comedy of Terrors"
set modeled by me, bottle prop from Creative Crash
Rig from Animation Mentor
Shot 3: Audio Clip: Thomas Dolby, "She Blinded me with Science"
Animation and textures done by me
Shot 4: Audio Clip: Bettie Davis and Frances Bavier from "Malice Toward One"
Did not model typewriter, table, or chair myself. Background books and crumpled paper were modelled by me.
Textures done by me.

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